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Nordic Open Masters

Below you will find information regarding schedule, entry lists etc.

09.10.2021 09:00

NOM 2021 - Dagur 2 hafinn

Nú er að hefjast annar hluti af þremur á Norðurlandamóti garpa 2021 í Laugardalslaug. Um 50 erlendir keppendur frá Danmörku, Svíþjóð, Noregi, Finnlandi og Litháen taka þátt að þessu sinni ásamt 80...
Nánar ...
08.10.2021 17:36

Nordic Open Masters underway

Nordic Open Masters 2021 has started in Laugardalslaug swimming pool in Reykjavík, Iceland. Live streaming is on the Icelandic Swimming Association's Youtube site  Live results page, where you...
Nánar ...
10.09.2021 08:27

NOM entry deadline moved

The entry deadline and payment date has been moved to 20th of September 2021 (Monday).  We anticipate that the Ministry of Health will publish new rules regarding numbers of participants allowed...
Nánar ...
02.09.2021 21:49

NOM 2021 - Entry file

An entry file is now available at the NOM 2021 information website.  The file is an .lxf file which is compatible with Splash and Grodan softwares, amongst a number of other platforms. For those...
Nánar ...
26.08.2021 14:51

Nordic Open Masters - Information

As you may know by now the Nordic Open Masters will be held in Reykjavík, Iceland on 8-9th of October 2021. Some speculations have arisen whether or not the meet will be held with originally published...
Nánar ...