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Nordic Swimming Federation

01.06.2018 18:39

NSF ágreiningur leystur

NSF ágreiningur leysturÁrsþingi Norræna sundsambandsins lauk í dag í Búdapest í góðri sátt allra aðildarlanda. Þingið var sett 14. apríl í Reykjavík, en var frestað í kjölfarið á ágreiningi sem kom upp.
Nánar ...
26.01.2017 13:44

General Secretary and Sports Directors Meeting January 2017

General Secretary and Sports Directors Meeting January 2017Today, the General Secretaries and Sport Directors of the NSF nations met in Copenhagen and had their annual workmeeting. The event was originally organized by the Faroese Swimming Federation this year​ but due to unfavorable weather in Faroe Islands it was held in Quality Dan Airport Hotel in Copenhagen instead. The meeting went well, a lot of work was done in short time.
Nánar ...

The Swedish Swimming Federation currently holds the Presidency for the Nordic Swimming Federation.